A glimpse into the conscious expansion; Journal reflections & prompts for YOU!
learn how to Express your passion artisticallyI was working so hard as a single parent at a job full of men who didn't respect me, juggling parenting on my own, working multiple jobs, and caring for my household all day every day. I was suffering from incredible anxiety, depression, and CPTSD. I pushed forward on in the rat race determined and then be dragged down into a see of despair.
I was always waiting for the next shoe to drop. I was living in what I thought was a comfort zone of monetary means, because I could provide enough if I just kept going. Then covid happened, and being abruptly let go from long term job security, struggling with coping patterns that only left me more depressed, I felt broken. I started digging deeper into the holistic patterns I knew I had, I was good at movement, I adored art, I loved making music, I loved being in nature. I started to pay attention to how my body reacted to these experiences more, and identifying how I was allowing the conditions of my mind run rampant, causing my emotions and ego to take over my body. That's like letting a blindfolded rabid dog drive a car. I learned through counselings, mentor programs, reiki healing, plant medicine, and my artistic healing practices one day at a time how to allow my passion to create my reality instead of my fear. Every day since this turning point, has been more magical and full of peaceful joy. Any challenges that arise can not knock me over like they used to. I learned how to love and nurture myself better, and listen to my spirit. Relationships around me are thriving, and I am surrounded by people who love me for who I am in this very moment. Truly following the passion of your heart can create a catalyst of powerful change in the world around you. Within the human body is a fire of passion, ready to be ignited by the spirit of any given person. Are you unsure what being passionate means? Have you ever become so excited for an event, activity, friend or loved one you simply can't contain yourself? Have you ever experienced becoming fully immersed in an activity, or with another person and forget how much time has passed? Have you ever craved to learn as much as you can about something, or found yourself completely fascinated with a topic or people you never tire of learning more? These are all your spirits way of showing what your passions are, and giving you clues on how you want to express yourself more authentically. These skills go right along with certain skill sets or, what I like to call "Magical super powers" unique to your life's journey. However, in the world today we have been conditioned to believe we can regard this passion power within as merely a hobby we like and rarely are we taught to listen to the intuitive voice of guidance and instead led to believe we must listen to the fear instead. We may be taught by parents, teachers, co-workers, friends, lovers, that if we don't listen to their opinion, and follow the path they believe is of least resistance we may never have enough money, we may get sick, we may be abandoned, we may amount to nothing, we must go to school, we must work hard, we must work harder to achieve. We get lost in this mindset and before we know it, we have watched a good portion of our lives pass us by, while we struggled with stress, confusion, and exhaustion. We find ourselves at, pretty much the same burnt out, lost, and depressed feeling. What if I told you this was backwards? Would you believe me or would you run to the comfort of the spooky stories and conspiracies someone placed in your mind before me? Doubt is fear based, and fear blocks all possibilities. There is no passion where fear exists, there is only a rudimentary system of disillusion draining the courageous energy your spirit knows it has. Most people are existing in this state until they finally have had enough and are willing to take one step at a time to express who they really are, what they really need, what they're authentically passionate about without fear of what other's will do or say. Being stuck without passion in life is to be engaged in a vicious cycle of feeling called to feel better (a void), and feeling stuck listening to the whispering drone of the ego based mind, telling yourself "You can't because blahblahblah" or "This is as good as it gets", or "That's life"... This is listening to the conditioning of the mind. Passion is listening to the fire of the heart, it's a feeling not a logical explanation for you to not do something. Every human on this planet has incredible gifts of passion. When you create with your mind, your hands, your voice, you are living in passion. When you move your body freely and learn how to be present in a moment and experience nature and life on new levels of joy you are living in passion. Every moment you're here is a moment you can choose to learn how to live more passionately as a co-creator of your own life or live through the lens of what others create for you. Learning how to accept the present, and make peace with the past is a key element to ignite the spark of self loving expression, that will exude passion the more you stoke your own fire. In a passionate state of being you have nothing to lose but pain and you always deepen your life experience with joy, love, and wisdom. You have everything to gain. You get to learn, you get to feel free, you get to create, you get to enjoy a passionate transformation into letting more light into your life. Using my own experience with hardship & trauma I created learning tools, and healing modalities, mixed with artistic outlets to formulate The 3rd step on the Empowering the Enchantress Series is focused on igniting your self love, passion, and expression. One of my favourite steps because I get to create rituals of artistic expression and see how woman can empower themselves towards more authentic joy, unlocking their own magic. Live or In person Sessions include: Unlock your passions expression with me! You are ready to express yourself more authentically, without apology. You desire to radiate from the inside out, shining brightly in your confident self love. You are tired of holding yourself back, and crave to create a life you desire! This Session focuses on: